how many hours a day do you code reddit


Maybe the act but the question came from a guy and you never know the context of a question. But more often I get about 50% of my day for coding. How many more hours can I work on this SQL query before my girlfriend leaves me? Finish the curriculum, and you’ll be a developer. computer in a typical day? “Certainly, you can do both but actually talking — even if just for a little bit — can make a big difference. The struggle is real: For 40 hours each week I go to work, play League of Legends in my office, browse Reddit, and do whatever I feel like. I'm not learning coding, but rather studying for CCNA/CCNP. You can devote anywhere from 3 hours per day every day, to 6.5 hours per day just 3 times a week. is polymorphism simply overloaded methods? Max 8-10 tablets of T3 in a day. It’s hard. How many hours and rank I was just wondering how many hours people have played and how long it will take to get champion ranks. That's why it's so important to pepper in the rest of the tasks during the day (writing documentation, doing research/learning, architecture, non-dev tasks) and not have days full of writing code. 11 years ago perphekt I have printed out a list of objectives, and check them off as I learn them. Also, if you have any drills for different things (shooting, 1v1, finishing, defending, etc) please tell me! I have too many projects and not enough hours in the day. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I'll take a consistent good 4-5 hours of coding everyday over being burned out and ultimately less productive in the long run. Currently have 33 hours played and im platinum 2. Probably 2-3hrs on average, but that is usually intense thought and focus. I've been trying to spend at least 2 hours a day learning JavaScript. Hart May 9 '11 at 7:31 The quick answer is a registered nurse’s working day will vary from 8 to 14,5 hours if working full time and in a fast paced environment.. IF it takes me 5 to grasp a concept, then it takes me five. I was thinking like two 1 and a half sessions a day (3 hours total). See something happen and imagine what the method would be called that just triggered it. If you balance it well with work and exercise, it actually is a rewarding hobby. Now it has been 5 months since I started and I manage to deploy my first React web application, Im on my way to fill my portafolio with projects to hopefully land a job ASAP. But when you get burnt out, go on to something else.When I get burnt out on networking stuff, I go learn python or bash. Developers will have you believe that coding is hard. I work for around 8 hours a day, though it can vary slightly depending on if I'm making a particularly large amount of progress on something and don't want to leave. Part of that role included estimates. Drug Test Working Hours Salaries Hiring Process Interviews Dress Code Background Check Benefits Shifts Part Time Jobs Job Opportunities ... You do not work weekends if you have been there for 15 years or longer. Depends. as you can see threre are many things that can vary. This applies to in-person coding bootcamp graduates, online coding bootcamp graduates, CS bachelor’s degree holders, and … It’s simple. If you’re doing 6 hours a day, when actually you could only sustain 4.5 hours, you might be able to continue for 2-3 weeks and then BANG hit total unproductiveness for weeks while you recover. So I’m an authority on how much people actually work. After I explained the amount of time it takes to get back on track after a disruption, he agreed to streamline my time. It will take you 6 years at that rate to become fluent at coding – actually, probably longer because you will have forgotten a lot of the stuff from your earlier sessions. I'm a 12 year old girl. I stopped sleeping through the night and would wake up in the middle of the night solving non-existent problems. Take breaks in between for every 30-45 minutes to let yourself rest. 7 Part 1: 5 points Of the 95 respondents, o said ihour, 3 said 2 hours, 9 said 3 hours, 15 said 4 > Part 2: 5 points hours, 18 said 5 hours, 22 said 6 hours, 15 said 7 hours, 9 said 8 hours, 4 said 10 points 9 hours. How many hours and rank I was just wondering how many hours people have played and how long it will take to get champion ranks. I have recently extended this by starting earlier, so I can get as much as 4 hours before lunch (normally more like 3 though). More Time to Do What You Want. Asked October 21, 2016. A community dedicated to all things web development: both front-end and back-end. At some companies, the norm is a 40-hour week and everyone goes home on time. It also helps to have goals to gauge how far you are progressing. So maybe 35-50 hours a week (best case scenario) if it's a regular week where I have other stuff to do then maybe 10-15 hours a week, 20 if I am lucky. What I'm doing is I am learning 1 topic at a time and if that topic is still to hard or taking me long to understand I just hold with that topic and watch or read about something that will help me understand it fully. At 20 hours per day you’ll need approximately 25 weeks or just over 6 months to prepare. Health risks. I've done exactly the same thing. That's the general consensus. Why is that disgusting. Regardless of how long it takes you, it’s free, it’s easy to start, and it has an intelligent and accessible community (if I do say so myself). User Lists: 0 #11 BladesOfAthena. Andy Sterkowitz 127,695 views The more hours you sit each day, the higher your risk of metabolic problems. For 40 hours each week I go to work, play League of Legends in my office, browse Reddit, and do whatever I feel like. Practice with your mind and you will do as much in 1 1/2 hours.” How long should you code every single day and what are some of the best coding resources for practicing & improving your skills? How many hours (combined) of uninterrupted coding sessions you do per day? If you spend all your time programming, you will NEVER become a really efficient and successful programmer. I rarely watch movies (haven't been to a theater in a long time), don't watch TV, but I do read the occasional book. My teachers enforce the dress code inconsistently. Hello same as you i’m trying to build and make big thinks i know how hard it is because actually i’m working 12 hours a day in a job that i don’t like but it gives me the money to save and start my company in a few months, i start my day at 4:00 am after 12 hours shift i keep learning and getting more skills that actually will help my company lets say getting ready for the big day. It depends on how you learn. I have many interests. Currently have 33 hours played and im platinum 2. Depending on these two factors the time spent learning a new language vary greatly. Then I end up dreaming in code and boy are those restless nights. Forum Posts. Although I get really tired four times a day (it sets in about 30 minutes before core and 5 minutes before naps), I am attentive and sharp for many more hours than before. Remember programming is not your life you should also do what matters to you and give it a time too. Best Way to Learn Coding Fast. Most days for nurses are 16+ hour … Now if you code for 10-12 hours a day … If you are a skinny person, then stay on the 8 more than the 10. Press J to jump to the feed. Nice! Even with 33% extra study time to account for this, you still only need 560 hours. My last project I sort of officially unofficially transitioned to managing a small group of developers. 4+ and I'm either super proud of my productivity or the work was totally mind numbing and not challenging at all. Eventually I got them to agree that six hours was one programming day, but I was shooting for four in the "negotiations". Then maybe you can spend an hour or two grasping inheritance and polymorphism. I'd say I get 85% of my day to code, when I can focus and I have a major programming task. If you want to pass some Javascript certificate (do they have those?) I have something to tryout for next year and I was wondering how long it would take to get really good. It’s real. All you have to do is keep going until every challenge on the map is checked off. The rest of the month there are no meetings apart from daily standup. It's normal to feel burnout after absorbing new knowledge for an hour or 2. I aim for one good burst (about 1.5 to 2.5 hours) in the morning and one good burst in the afternoon. The next natural question after deciding to learn a new language is: how many hours does it take to learn a foreign language and achieve fluency? During an interview, the hiring manager isn’t going to ask you if you’ve spent 10,000 hours coding. 0. How Many Hours Per Day Should I Spend Studying to Become a Self-Taught Software Developer? It's because they can do all required meetings in one single day: retrospective, demo, sprint planning etc. This is such a load of horseshit. Spend at least as much time on writing code and applying what you have learned as you do on studying. At first I found this strange, until I asked why they do such long sprints. You don't need to spend every waking hour on this, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the learnprogramming community. Maybe it's just me but I've coded enough to the point where it's like muscle memory. A subreddit for all questions related to programming in any language. I don't really care about my 'status' considering I took a year off of MC and I could be 700+ stars if I wanted. Just had this conversation about switching gears with my boss. I know of one that requires 200 per day. Real on-stage confidence comes from (a) being able to nail it 10 out of 10 tries, (b) knowing that this isn’t a coincidence but that you can do it the correct way on demand, because most importantly (c) you know precisely why you nail it or miss it — i.e. During lunch, while I was scarfing a delicious ham sandwich (bad jew, I know), my friend Charlie Hoehn wasn’t eating. within the online poker forums, in the General Poker section; my average grind is being about 8 hrs,is that average. “Certainly, you can do both but actually talking — even if just for a little bit — can make a big difference. In a recent article, we touched upon code of ethics for nurses. That's the general consensus. I don't let myself make a habit of staying longer than 8 hours, though, since some engineers do that and it degrades their quality of life. If you have a long commute, this can be appealing and translates into less hours on the road. Or if you can motivate yourself by money, imagine you can pay yourself minimum wage for every hour learned; then you could pay yourself $5,278.00 after a year, by simply programming a bit in the morning and the evening. If I can get 3 hours of productive work in a day I consider it a success. Was going through the same thing you were, decided I needed some ... distractions. Using English as a baseline example the GLH required to reach a B2 level on the Cambridge English Exam is around 500 to 600 hours, which, when accounting for personal study time, equates to between 1,000 and 1,200 hours . If you are dressed to conform to an informal, verbal dress code but a different, written dress code is enforced and you get in trouble, do you have a First Amendment right to challenge it? I thought I was the only lazy ass guy going through this shit. Finally, only 1 participant said that they do the classes in place of their children. Instead, code numbers are used so judge’s do not know who baked them. But don’t take my word for it. State Laws: Less than half of U.S. states require companies to provide a meal or rest break.In many of these states, workers who work over 6 hours at once must be allowed 30 minutes to eat or rest. This is a discussion on How many hours a day do you play? Some employers may ask how many hours you work because they want to know that you manage your time effectively and complete your work efficiently. My biggest contribution was the refusal to estimate in eight hour increments because the account team saw eight hours as one day. can absolutely find 1-2 hours a day, no matter how busy they are. Solar insolation: why it’s important when considering rooftop solar Yes, you can read Reddit at work and not get caught. For more design-related questions, try /r/web_design. As an aspirant nurse or nursing school student, you might also be wondering how many hours do registered nurses work?. For example if you work or study during the day, you could try programming for 1 hour in the morning and 1 hour in the evening. Not answering your question but I thought everybody learned programming like I did. I can’t recommend Free Code Camp’s Front End Dev program enough. Latterly, I have tapered off the addiction. The only wrong way to study is the way that makes it harder for you to learn the material. I'll take a consistent good 4-5 hours of coding everyday over being burned out and ultimately less productive in the long run. So I smoked up some Platinum Girl Scout Cookies and coded the day baked. 8 min/chart or 60/day ambulatory surgery records * For coding and light abstracting. Sitting too much can negatively impact your health and longevity, even if you get the recommended amount of daily physical activity. you know exactly what you need to do from a technique standpoint in order to play the passage perfectly every time. Do you stop time just to do that? It was... interesting. Damn here I am at 8:00 pm hitting on 8.5 hours just to get this project launched. Real world turns to mush. But I know lots of coders and if you want a good days work from them .....150-175 per day is a good amount of charts without errors. You can scale those numbers as appropriate. Such a schedule … At a minimum, this comes to just over 2 hours per day every single day. Right now Wegmans is DRASTICALLr cutting hours for part time employees, and many got their hours cut by 8- 10 hrs , So we are now getting shifts that range between 5 hrs a week to 19 hours a week. I work usually 12 pm to 4 pm with the option of Working second shift starts 5 pm to 10pm. If you are really interested in it, you will keep on doing it until you need to sleep., or probably beyond that. We can nearly guarantee it. Is 3 hours a day too much soccer practice? I think 1-2 pills of 'Tylenol 3' every 4-6 hours is fine for most adults. Some employers may ask how many hours you work because they want to know that you manage your time effectively and complete your work efficiently. In my opinion, you should learn 1 to 2 concepts per day. If you are a skinny person, then stay on the 8 more than the 10. Assumes an eight-hour day/40-hour week. Had to work through the weekend at one point for a project that went past deadline. I just go through the motions at this point. Answered August 2, 2019. Working day shift is just as taxing as night shift. Rather than "how many hours" it is better to develop a consistent habit. In the past six years I have maybe done 50 hours of real work. I'd say I get 85% of my day to code, when I can focus and I have a major programming task. For my 4 th question I wanted to learn how often were the children ditching their class. In college I would pull almost all nighters to get some cs assignment done, then try and get a couple hours of sleep and be so tired and out of it that I'd try and program my alarm to make it stop. Violinist Nathan Milstein is said to have once asked his teacher Leopold Auer how many hours a day he should be practicing. It was terrible. Of course there are plenty of times where I need to really put some mental effort but much of it is muscle memory at this point. I'm in heaven. Not planning, talking, playing Ping-Pong, going to lunch, etc. 0. A recent survey asks 95 students, How many hours do you spend on the Type numbers in the boxes. If you choose the Health Benifits, they are required to give you 30 hrs but be prepared to work the night (3-10 PM)shift As for part time, the hours are maybe 24hrs. Reducing sitting time is important, too. Auer responded by saying “Practice with your fingers and you need all day. More so... how much of your day is really just fucking around and doing nothing work related at all? The problem isn’t the three shifts, it’s the length of the shifts. I learn by doing massive chunks of study. Try to switch gears between reading about it and applying it into code. Mate i am also studying programming. And by work I mean writing code and smashing bugs. On average, how many hours do you work a day at Sam's Club? It depends on the scope and how I'm feeling that day. Press J to jump to the feed. Asked October 27, 2016 5 to 10 hours we use our protected PTO a lot bc majority of the associates hate being there “It depends on what the judges like,” Hoebergen, 38, said. It provides a realistic overview of what it takes to become a developer. our volume has gone down after holiday season and the managers took away working the second shift. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. He couldn't grasp why I wasn't switching instantly between several programming projects, let alone when a meeting disrupts my day. I currently work a non-coding job, which gets in the way, but make sure to get at least something small done every work day. Then I will move on to the next topic. Do you have defined goals? Not much thought for the most part. What we want to anyone who is interested in coding to understand most of all is that learning to code is not about how many hours you put in. Oh man I hate those nights... sometimes I get carried away and try to solve "one quick problem" before I go to bed (work for home), it ends up being like an hour or more right before bed and my brain doesn't have time to turn off before bed. Some crunch days can go up to about 6. You can even see how high the sun is on the horizon at any given location and time. You can scale those numbers as appropriate. The better you get the longer you will last per session. in X amount of months, then you can more accurately decide how long to spend focused on that topic. But anyone (that includes you!) If production support (non coding-related) is heavy I may only get 15% of my day to code. ^^ I usually study for about 1-2 hours I think that's better for me so I can also have time for other things. Some days I learn 4 new concepts, some days I focus on only one. I still have about 1,000 more hours to … Now anyone feeling daring can accelerate this process often by streaming lectures, at 1.5x or 2x, which reduces that 3 hours into 1.5-2 hours. As someone who's going through their final year uni project...I feel you. Other great artists have expressed similar sentiments. If you attend lecture (assuming you have 3 hours of class every day) that’s: 3 hours of lecture + 30 min making flashcards + 1.5 hours spent learning = 5 hours of studying total! I think 1-2 pills of 'Tylenol 3' every 4-6 hours is fine for most adults. It really isn’t. I know of a billing service that requires 230 charts per day. I just started in a new team, and they are doing 4 week sprints. I extended a 48 hour fast into a 60 hour fasting experiment to go without eating. An efficient and successful programmer has to do a lot more than sit and program. I started less than a year ago with html, css and javascript. would wake up in the middle of the night solving non-existent problems. You can achieve more health benefits if you ramp up your exercise to 300 minutes or more a week. But more often I get about 50% of my day for coding. The Winton show is usually the only one she enters. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. within the online poker forums, in the General Poker section; my average grind is being about 8 hrs,is that average. Now anyone feeling daring can accelerate this process often by streaming lectures, at 1.5x or 2x, which reduces that 3 hours into 1.5-2 hours. Laying in bed thinking about shit like that. Vaccine rollout has Sometimes I play 5+ hours and sometimes I don't play at all. I've done more, but I get totally fried. Now, you can argue that the code isn't all that good, since obviously I must've surpassed your 12 lines a day metric, and yes, I'll agree to that, but if I'm to bring the timeline down to when 1.0 was released (and I didn't start actually making it until 2.0 was released), which is 2002-02-13, about 2600 days, the average is 48 lines of code a day. Cool stuff! Try for a healthy balance of at least 4 days a week (4 hours) or 5 days per week (3 hours) 500 hours at 15 hours … If you do that consistently, it is 14 hours per week or 60 1/2 hours per month. That is one of the great things about free speech, you can be heard. Repeat and recall what you’ve learnt and teach yourself what you understand to yourself and see if you missed something and repeat. That literally happened to me for the first time last night. For example if you work or study during the day, you could try programming for 1 hour in the morning and 1 hour in the evening. If you attend lecture (assuming you have 3 hours of class every day) that’s: 3 hours of lecture + 30 min making flashcards + 1.5 hours spent learning = 5 hours of studying total! And Tylenol T1 to T4 comprises of: Tylenol 1 = 8 mg codeine/300 mg acetaminophen Tylenol 2 = 15 mg codeine/300 mg acetaminophen 35.5 hours a day? During term-time I don't do any revision at all, and then at about week 11 (there's 12 weeks in my term) I revise about 9 hours a day until my exams (which normally gives me about 2 months to revise), which is a lot more than most people I know-you sound like you're doing loads of revision, I wouldn't stress about it! I will never do that again... but I got that damn project done. Also, if you work weekends, you need even shorter work days to be able to sustain productivity long-term. They still never really fully understood, but at least they accepted it. Shortened Work WeekMost likely, working three days a week means having four days off. If your company understands version control at all, then "once a day" will probably get you a warning. It's varied for me from company to company but it feels like 3-4 hours a day I could find myself doing shit fuck all. Not spending 8 hours a day on it but more as a hobby. Reviews: 0. Or you learn to use the branching features of your VCS so you can commit as often as necessary without committing broken code to the integration branch. If production support (non coding-related) is heavy I may only get 15% of my day to code. Depending on how long it takes you to grasp those concepts. BladesOfAthena. The billable hour is like the golden calf for many law firms and attorneys—all worship it but many don’t really understand what it means or how law firms really bill. = 185 hours over the course of 45 days (or ~4 hours/day) I ended up finishing the curriculum in about half the time. Took a look at your website and noticed that on mobile the navigation menu doesn't close upon clicking a nav button. Video games are my main hobby. During term-time I don't do any revision at all, and then at about week 11 (there's 12 weeks in my term) I revise about 9 hours a day until my exams (which normally gives me about 2 months to revise), which is a lot more than most people I know-you sound like you're doing loads of … Is 8 hours of sleep really that important? Then after that I will try to put it in action by coding. That's why it's so important to pepper in the rest of the tasks during the day (writing documentation, doing research/learning, architecture, non-dev tasks) and not have days full of writing code. And Tylenol T1 to T4 comprises of: Tylenol 1 = 8 mg codeine/300 mg acetaminophen Tylenol 2 = 15 mg codeine/300 mg acetaminophen i feel i have a good grasp on encapsulation and inheritance, but polymorphism always escaped me a bit. I was just too far gone into my own head solving problems all the time. When I first found coding, it was like, if I keep working on this coding problem will my restaurant manager boss fire me? Otherwise it's getting there! If it takes me 1 hour, then I spend 1 hour a day. When you have less intensive study times, you do need to account for catching up, because you’ll have less momentum. Now, you can argue that the code isn't all that good, since obviously I must've surpassed your 12 lines a day metric, and yes, I'll agree to that, but if I'm to bring the timeline down to when 1.0 was released (and I didn't start actually making it until 2.0 was released), which is 2002-02-13, about 2600 days, the average is 48 lines of code a day. Nurses collapse into bed only to wake up a few brief hours later to start the process over. Many 30-hour per week students wind up falling into this category as work and life … How can I leave my friends party and work on my app? If we look at a typical language course of 2 hours a day, 5 days a week, that equates to 10 hours per week or 20 hours of total study time. ^^ And you should try to learn when you have a free time. After about 2 hours I tend to get a bit burnt out since all of the concepts are so new to me and I need to take a break for a while. 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